Gaining an economic advantage can be difficult without the right tools, knowledge, and insight. Luckily, the folks over at Great Lakes Wealth have all of that in spades! We chat with CEO and Chief Investment Officer Dewey Steffen about what he thinks is going on in the industry.

Working in partnership with local schools, teachers, and community organizations, CHEMpreneurIST provides pWorking in partnership with local schools, teachers, and community organizations, CHEMpreneurIST provides personal care chemistry and entrepreneurship lessons through a series of workshops. These lessons are aligned with Michigan ELA and Science standards, and incorporate different STEEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Art, and Math) disciplines. Such a good cause being brought onto the Megacast in partnership with SHARE Detroit, and we talk with Cofounder Cass Fry about how personal care chemistry is being demonstrated to students.

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