On today’s edition of The Megacast, host Tyler Kieft talks to Dawn Batts, Capital Strategist at TechTown Detroit, about their Catalyst Angel program, helping to inspire and inform new “angel investors” in the Detroit area as they endeavor to support upstart companies in tech in the Motor City and surrounding areas!
Additionally, Oakland University Assistant Professor of Management, Dr. Michael Greiner about potential action that the Michigan Legislature may take to combat the impact of payday lenders on consumers statewide, as well as how recent announcements on electric vehicle tax incentives may benefit local automakers.
Plus, MoGo Detroit Executive Director, Adriel Thornton talks about the bike share program and its operational design to help people reach other critical forms of transportation efficiently and reduce the impact of transportation inequality on individuals who are financially strained, have physical disabilities or are in other conditions that make transportation difficult to obtain.
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