Dayan Chaaban & Tyler Kieft talk about the latest events and news in the Greater West Bloomfield and Oakland County area with our Civic Center TV team, as well as with local news-makers!

On today’s show, the West Bloomfield School District approves elementary redistricting plans and recognizes an excellent reading educator, the West Bloomfield Police Department shows its appreciation for its non-sworn staff members, and Keego Harbor Parks and Rec receives a special thank you from a local non-profit!

Additionally, Civic Center TV’s article on the West Bloomfield Downtown Development Overlay District is featured on the frontpage of West Bloomfield Today Magazine, and the West Bloomfield Township Public Library launches its brand-new website!

Plus, Jennifer Graham joins the show to preview the 30th United We Walk event, commemorating the life, legacy and lasting impact of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!

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